Mr Sarkozy made really good assault on everybody’s favourite target - the bankers: “That those who create jobs and wealth may earn a lot of money is not shocking. But that those who contribute to destroying jobs and wealth also earn a lot of money is morally indefensible.” When the French and the US governments agree on something like this, we know we are in a new world.El segundo párrafo me lleva a pensar: en EEUU hace años que se oyen quejas contra China; en el Reino Unido, desde hace menos tiempo, también se oyen esas quejas; y ahora Francia empieza a airear sus quejas hacia China en los foros mundiales... ¿cuándo lo van a hacer nuestras autoridades?
Even so, he is right on the really big issue. The disorder created by China’s decision to peg its exchange rate to the dollar is considerable. The Chinese simply refuse to recognise the problem or their responsibilities. When pushed, they argue that they are still a developing country with a gross domestic product per head that is about the hundredth, if countries are ranked by real incomes per head. But they also constantly remind us that China is a very big country. A very big country full of people with modest incomes has an enormous impact on the world. China must recognise and respond to this reality - and soon. If not, the open world economy may not survive.